The following items are exports of my Pixinsight process icons I normally use for my image processing, I have included notes on the use of most of these within the icons themselves. These processes were made from souces like YouTube videos, books and personal websites of other Astronomers. I will put links to some of these sources at the bottom.

Pre-processing - Complete.xpsm

Linear Processing
Linear Processing - Stage 1 - Crop & Background Extraction.xpsm
Linear Processing - Stage 2 - Colour Calibration.xpsm
Linear Processing - Stage 3 - Deconvolution.xpsm
Linear Processing - Stage 4 - Noise Reduction.xpsm

Linear Processing - Complete.xpsm

Non-Linear Processing
Non-Linear Processing - Stage 1 - Stetch, Noise Reduction, HDR & Curves.xpsm
Non-Linear Processing - Stage 2 - LHE & Sharpening.xpsm
Non-Linear Processing - Stage 3 - Dust, Noise Reduction, Curves & DSE.xpsm

Non-Linear Processing - Complete.xpsm

HaRGB Combination
HaRGB Combination.xpsm

StarMask Creation
Star Mask Process Icons.xpsm
Star masks.docx

Pixinsight Mosaic Merge

Mosaic Merge Process.xpsm

Astro Imaging Channel (YouTube)

Inside Pixinsight - Warren A. Keller

Light Vortex Astronomy